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Making a Difficult-to-Form Habits Stick 

10-point Checklist & How-to Guide + Worksheets

Wake Up

Woman sits on her bed looking out the window

How-To's, Tips & Tools, Wake Up

How to Stop Hitting “Snooze” and Become a Morning Person: The Complete Guide

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If you want a step-by-step guide that empowers you to wake up earlier and finally put your snooze button to rest, then you have found the article that will change your perspective, habits, and even your life. This 9-step guide will teach you: How to become an early riser (and even enjoy it) Strategies that […]

For a new habit to stick, it needs to be enjoyable. And let’s be honest, most of us do not find it remotely enjoyable to wake up in the morning, let alone earlier than we need to… But there’s hope for us yet. By using “temptation bundling” – a strategy developed by the behavioral economist, […]

Woman dancing and jumping on her bed

Featured, Tips & Tools, Wake Up

5 Insanely Easy Steps to Make Waking Up Early an Irresistible Habit

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Hand reaches from bed to turn off alarm clock

Tips & Tools, Wake Up

The Real Reason You Can’t Quit Your Snooze Button (Plus 7 Tips to Wake Up Earlier Tomorrow)

Here, we’ll go far beyond the usual “how to” tips that are clogging Google’s search engines. Chances are, you already know about (and have likely already tried) them anyway, and with little success. If something as basic as arrive home earlier or stop scrolling through social media before bed or just find your inner motivation […]

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Mike Chen eating a bowl of noodles

Personal, Wake Up

15 Reasons Why Mikey Chen Should Be Part of Your Morning Routine

Mikey Chen travels the world to film his reactions to food – ranging from what he finds in a 7-Eleven in Seoul to one of Disney’s amusement parks. The YouTuber and self-proclaimed lover of all things noodles, dumplings, and buffet-style dining has amassed over 4 million subscribers, who love him for his relatable, easy-going nature. […]

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