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Making a Difficult-to-Form Habits Stick 

10-point Checklist & How-to Guide + Worksheets

8 No-Fail Tips to Finally Start and Stick to Your Reading Habit Every Night

Do you ever find yourself saying, “I should read more,” but then get distracted by Netflix or social media instead? Hours pass and suddenly the motivation you had to read is gone. You promise yourself you’ll read tomorrow, only to repeat the same cycle again. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

But if you’re serious about making reading a daily habit, then I’ve got some actionable tips and strategies for you. In this article, I’ll share eight effective ways to kickstart your reading habit and stick to it every day. Say goodbye to aimless scrolling and hello to the joy of getting lost in a good book every night before bed.

Let’s get started!

Tip 1: Create a Specific Plan for When and Where You Will Read Each Night

Starting a new habit can be exciting and motivating, but oftentimes we lack the necessary clarity to successfully carry out the habit. We might say, “I’m going to read tomorrow,” without any specific plan of action. This lack of specificity can lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled goals.

To avoid falling into this trap, it’s important to create a clear plan for when and where you will read each night. This could be as simple as filling out the sentence: “I will [perform my new habit] at [time] in [location].” For example, “I will read at 9:45 p.m. in my bedroom,” or “I will read 10 pages from my book at 8:20 p.m. on my living room couch ”

By writing down a specific time and location for your new habit, you increase the likelihood of following through. This concrete plan of action removes any ambiguity and gives your habit a tangible place in the world. So, rather than just saying “I should read more,” turn that intention into a specific and achievable plan.

Tip 2: Mastering the Art of Consistency With the Two-Minute Rule

It’s one thing to make a plan, but it’s another to stick to it. That’s where the Two-Minute Rule comes in.

The concept is simple: when starting a new habit, make it easy by keeping it under two minutes. So instead of telling yourself, “I should read more,” try “I will read one page” or “I will read for two minutes before bed tonight.” The key is to make the habit feel achievable and not like a daunting challenge.

But the benefits of the Two-Minute Rule don’t end there. It also helps you master the art of “showing up.” By consistently following through with your habit for just two minutes, you’re building momentum and discipline. And before you know it, those two minutes turn into 10, 15, or even 20 minutes of reading each night.

Remember, the goal is to make the habit easy to start and to create a sense of accomplishment each time you follow through, no matter how small. So give the Two-Minute Rule a try and see how it can help you read more consistently.

Tip 3: Make Reading More Fun with Temptation Bundling

While intrinsic motivation is important, sometimes we need a little extra push to get us going. That’s where the temptation bundling strategy comes in. By pairing your reading habit with something you actually want to do, you’re more likely to follow through and enjoy the process.

So, what’s the temptation bundling formula? It’s simple: After I [habit I need to do], I will [habit I want to do]. For example, after reading 25 pages, you can reward yourself by watching one more episode of your favorite Netflix show. Or, after reading just two pages, you can indulge in your favorite true crime podcast. In my case, the reward (e.g., being able to watch Netflix or listen to my favorite podcast) motivates me to do the thing I need to do (e.g., read my book).

The key takeaway is that anticipation of a reward is a powerful motivator. By using temptation bundling, you’re making your reading habit more attractive and enjoyable than it would be on its own. So go ahead, pair your reading habit with something fun, and watch as it becomes harder and harder to say no to reading each night.

Tip 4: Rewards Fuel Success: The Power of Instant Gratification in Forming Habits

If you’re still struggling to form this new habit, I have a secret weapon for you: rewards! That’s right, treating yourself after you complete a task is a powerful way to train your brain to enjoy and repeat the behavior.

When you reward yourself with something you enjoy after completing your habit, you get a satisfying feeling of “I did it!” This positive association will help turn once-difficult tasks into something you look forward to doing.

So, always remember to immediately reward yourself after successfully completing your new habit.

To put this tip into practice, fill in the blank: Once I do [habit I need to form], I will get to do [habit I want]. For example, after reading 25 pages, you can watch one more episode of your favorite Netflix show, or after reading for nine minutes, you can watch YouTube for 15 minutes.

So go ahead and reward yourself, and watch as those habits stick for good!

Tip 5: Transform Your Sleep Space for Successful Habits

Want to make building a new habit easier? Trick your brain into thinking you’re in a new environment. By strategically designing or redesigning the space where you plan to build your habit, you can link the new routine with a fresh context.

Imagine, every time you walk into your bedroom or living room, your mind automatically jumps to your new habit. Sounds amazing, right? With a little rearranging, this can become your reality.

Try these simple changes:

  • Turn your bed to face a different wall
  • Shuffle around your nightstand and lamp
  • Add a pop of color with new lightbulbs, curtains, pillows, and bedding
  • Move your TV to a new spot


I personally gave this a try and within weeks, my bedroom had become my reading haven. Every night when I walked in, my brain was triggered to dive into a book.

Remember, the goal is to create the illusion of a new, unfamiliar space that your brain can link with your new habit. So, get creative and transform your sleep space for successful habits.

Tip 6: Give Your Reading Habit a Home – Choose One Spot and Stick to It!

If you’re serious about making reading a regular part of your life, it’s important to create a designated spot for it. Whether it’s your cozy bed or your trusty couch, make that your go-to place for reading each night.

The idea here is to train your brain to associate the act of reading with a specific context. By consistently reading in the same spot, you’ll start to automatically associate that environment with your reading habit.

So, even before you crack open a book, just stepping into your designated reading spot will prime your brain to focus on reading. And before you know it, reading will become second nature to you.

Tip 7: Set Up Your Environment to Remove Any Barriers

Do you ever find yourself having to search for your book or E-reader every time you want to read? Or, worse yet, forgetting where you left off and having to spend precious reading time finding your place again? Well, fear not! There’s an easy solution to these problems.

After each reading session, take a few seconds to prepare your designated reading spot for next time. This could mean placing your book or E-reader in a spot where you’ll easily see it or leaving it on a surface where it’s within arm’s reach. By doing so, you’re actively making it easier to perform your reading habit next time.

Plus, seeing your book or E-reader in its designated spot can serve as a visual reminder to pick it up and start reading. It’s a win-win.

Here are a few ideas:

  • If you read in bed, place your book on your pillow or nightstand.
  • If you read at your desk, leave your book on your chair or on a nearby surface.
  • If you read on your couch, put your book in a spot where it’s hard to miss.

Tip 8: Why Daily Tracking is Crucial to Building A New Habit and How To Do It Effectively

Are you struggling to keep up with your new habit? Here’s a tip: track it every day. When you record your progress, you’ll be motivated to keep going and stay on track. So, grab an inexpensive wall calendar and a permanent marker and start tracking.

Every day you successfully complete your new habit, put an “X” on the calendar. You’ll love the feeling of seeing your progress grow day by day.

Remember, tracking your habits every day is key to forming a new habit successfully. Not only will it help you stay honest with yourself, it will also give you the motivation to keep your habit streak alive.


Don’t let aimless scrolling and distractions take away from the joy of getting lost in a good book every night before bed. By creating a specific plan for when and where you will read, following the Two-Minute Rule, using temptation bundling, rewarding yourself, and transforming your sleep space, you can turn reading into a daily habit that you look forward to. Remember to make your reading habit easy to start, keep it enjoyable, and reward yourself for following through. With these actionable tips and strategies, you can kickstart your reading habit and make it stick.

What Do You Think?

What other habits do you want to develop, and how can you apply the strategies discussed in this article to make them stick? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!

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